Launching “Do It Now” with DNPI

Children are one of the most important actors In an effort to proliferate awareness about climate change amongst youth, National Council of Climate Change (DNPI) launched the movie “Lakukan Sekarang Juga” or “Do It Now” in Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia on September 10th, 2009. The launch of the movie was fully supported by Indonesian Ministry of Environment as the Head of National Council for Climate Change. The launching was hosted by Bapak Ariseno Ridhwan. Also invited are Mrs. Amanda Katili Niode – DNPI’s Communication, Information and Education Coordinator, Ms. Adeline Tiffanie Suwana – Sahabat Alam, Mr. Surna T. Djajadiningrat - Professor in Environmental Management ITB and Bapak Paulus Wirutomo - University Indonesia ‘s Social Development Master’s Program among other government officals, the press and The Climate Project Indonesia Presenters.

The 26-minute film imparted a comprehensive explanation about climate change from the initial causes to the effects resulted. Furthermore, the film also conveyed the ways to mitigate the rapid increase of earth’s temperature and invites the audience to take part in the movement however they can. The film is hoped to ease the proliferation of environmental movement towards youth and younger generation.